Viagra boys big boy yrics

 Big Boy Lyrics

Well, I'm a big boy, baby

Got an apartment with a big TV

Yeah, I'm a big boy, babe

I pay my rent so I got somewhere to sleep

I got my big boots on

So tell your mans to keep his distance from me

Yeah, I'm a big boy, babe

I need a big ol' bag to satisfy me

I'm a big boy, babe

I don't start crying if you make fun of me

Yeah, I'm a big boy, honey

Ain't got problems with my insecurities

'Cause I'm a grown-ass man

And I don't need your compliments to make me feel good

I've been rockin' and a-rollin' since I was a stupid little kid

Yeah, I'm a big, big boy (Big, big boy)

Big, big boy (He's big, big boy)

I need a big, big girl (Big, big girl)

To keep it real

(Keep it real

Keep it real)

Yeah, I'm a big, big boy

And I need something makes a dude feel real

I got a big hat on that makes look like a cowboy from a film

Well, that's еxactly what I want, man

I don't need your compliments to make me feel good

Yеah, I'm a big ol' boy

And I need class and security

Yeah, I'm a big, big boy (Big, big boy)

I need a big, big love (He's big, big boy)

Need a big, big girl (Big, big girl)

To satisfy me

(Keep it real)

Is this thing even on, man?

Is this microphone on?


Ah, fuck it

(Keep it real)

I'm about to pass the mic

Yeah, that's right

He's a big boy!

Yes cunt he does it!

In a world full of privileged villains

Let's have a real baddie

Check out his can't

He's gonna make y'all go box something

And he's got a belly

In total contrast with your six-pack beach bods on telly

Well, he's a big, big boy

And all the people in the club go

"Don't you want it?"

And all the people in the club go

"Don't you want it?"

And all the people in the club go

"Don't you want it?"

Don't you want it?

Don't you want it?

Don't you want it?

Don't you want it?

Don't you want it?

Don't you want it?

And all the people in the club go

Don't you want it?

Don't you want it?

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